Strange things sometimes happen here in Zambia, but not quite so strange as the internet weather feed suggested this week - the 'up to the minute' monitor reported 26'C and snow in Chingola, the town nearest Amano Christian School! The 26'C was probably right, the snow we leave to our European and North American friends to enjoy as best they can.
Rainy season is very well underway now and the grass is growing at a rate that would make UK gardeners glad it is winter there. Suffice it to say that the uncut peripheral areas around the school have more than 2 metres of growth (well over 6ft in old money!). Everything looks very green and the birds and insects - both here in much wider variety than the dry season - are making the most of it.
Term started on 6th January with some new students in Grade 1 and a few throughout the school. We could have taken more but we are not able to offer boarding places until we have the dormitory parents we constantly pray for. Please join us in praying that that need will be met. The new boys dormitory building is not quite finished inside but soon will be and when the dormitory parents come there will be much to celebrate.
Two new teachers arrived to start the new term at Amano, both from the UK and both here until April. Lyndsey Coleman is 24 and is a qualified teacher from Merseyside. She is teaching in Primary and considering serving the Lord at Amano, possibly after completing further studies in the UK. Lyndsey plays piano and clarinet and enjoys sport
Martin Smith is 48 and has been teaching for twenty years. He is originally from Tunbridge Wells in Kent and currently lives in Bedfordshire. He has previously served for two years at a mission school in Ivory Coast. Martin plays the guitar and enjoys song writing and musical theatre. He is seeking the Lord about a possible future at Amano.
Please pray for Martin and Lyndsey and the other Amano teaching staff. By the grace of God the need for teachers is always met and of course it is in the Lord we trust for the future. As we see it a number of long-term staff are needed and we encourage you to join us in prayer for that.
Our pictures show Lyndsey and Martin and an 'off-the cuff' picture taken on a lovely morning in January at the school (Admin is on the right, the Primary block on the left).
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