One of the signs of the Lord's blessing on the work here at Amano has been the development of the sixth form. Parents will know that it is not at all a trivial decision as to which school or college their teenagers undertake sixth form studies, the final preparation for university. Seven students are now studying at this level at Amano, three in the upper sixth and four who commenced this term in the lower sixth. We praise God for this and ask you to pray for these students and for Ulfert Andresen who teaches them and guides their work.
Sometimes the Lord's blessing highlights needs and it is so in this case. The buildings at Amano are really used to capacity and the development of the sixth form has made expansion essential. The four lower sixth students have a study in a small room on the end of the Primary block; the upper sixth took over the staff room this year. Staff now have to use the library for their break but as that is often in use by students and classes it cannot properly serve as a place where teachers can study or read outside break times. Sixth form classes are currently held in the school art room.
The difficulties are temporary in that a new sixth form block is under construction but this cannot be completed before May at the earliest. We very much appreciate those who give for needs like this and we ask the prayers of all those with an interest in the Lord's work at Amano for students and staff during this time.
Our pictures show the lower sixth and upper sixth study rooms, Ulfert teaching in the art room and work on the site of the new sixth form block.
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