Anything I can send you?' is a fairly familiar question to people on the mission field. Friends and family back home, colleagues going on furlough, anyone at any time might ask that or a similar question. Perhaps you have thought about asking the question if you have not asked it before. Well, here's an answer - Send us another one like Matt MacDiarmid, please!
To understand that, you would have to know a little about Matt. Matt was eighteen when he came to Amano in August last year as a volunteer. He finally left to return to his family in the UK today, Wednesday 15th July, planning to attend Loughbrough University in the near future. What could one young man - so young that we have 6th form students of similar age - possibly do at Amano?
Ask the students in the dormitory! From the youngest to the oldest student, everyone would have something to say. Go through the dormitory many morning at about 0630 and Matt would be reading to some of the Primary students, dealing with their early-morning energy and their questions about the Bible story of the day. On the boys side, where Matt's energies were naturally concentrated, students would be able to tell about times of great fun, plenty of laughs, but also the discipleship Bible studies that Matt started and encouraged, along with a deeper commitment to morning quiet time.
Ask Hilary Millard, Amano's Head Teacher. Matt freely offered to help in the school and led ICT classes for some of the Primary school and most of the Secondary with energy and enthusiasm. He didn't stop at that - whatever he was asked to do was done with a smile.
Ask anyone who attended an Amano Family Service or most school assemblies. Matt's guitar playing and planning in leading the music side was a vital part of Amano during his stay.
Ask . . . well, ask anyone. Matt made friends and was universally appreciated. Nobody who was at the farewell evening in the dormitory on Tuesday could have doubted that, even if they were visitors. The pictures are a selection from the evening, recording the admonition and encouragement in Phil Grove's fitting message, the heartfelt thanks of Hilary Millard, the warm words of appreciation from Matron, the students of every age taking part in sketches, dances and hilarious performances to say 'thank you' to Matt and the audience with included David and Pauline Foster from Matt's church in the UK.
After all that, you might feel Matt must be some kind of superhero! Not at all; Matt is in many ways an ordinary young man of his generation. The one thing that distinguishes him from 'the crowd' is his very sincere and serious love for the Lord Jesus Christ. That love delivers commitment in Matt's life, which is how he came to volunteer for almost a year of service at Amano and to deliver that service in such an excellent way. It was not all plain sailing in the sense that Matt certainly missed home and the young lady waiting for him and Matt himself would say there were learning and growing experiences at Amano along with the fun. But in it all, Matt's trust and love for the Saviour shone clearly. Matt's time at Amano was a blessing for the school and Matt would want to say for him as well.
So that's how we come to say 'Send us another one like Matt, please!' By that we don't mean a clone, we mean another young person who loves the Lord Jesus Christ deeply and is willing to let that love overflow in service toward young people in Zambia. Matt's age or older, male or female, different talents to those Matt had or more of the same - all of that is irrelevant, as long as the love for the Saviour and the willingness to serve is there. What about you? Or if not you, maybe there is someone you know you should tell about this blog - email them a link, now, while it's on your mind! Amano has room, indeed more than room, a great need. Oh that the Lord would work by his Spirit to draw the words 'Here am I, send me!' from young people like Matt, young people who love the Lord.