Our title might serve as the motto for Amano Christian School if we didn't already have such a good one (For the Lord gives wisdom - Proverbs 2:6), but in any case it covers what we are doing. The young lives the Lord has entrusted to us are the future of Zambia and other countries and the great desire of those who founded the school is that a godly influence be implanted in them. It is no easy task. First of all, the influences of this world are not at all godly and so there is a battle for 'hearts and minds' that takes place every day at one level or another. For that reason we need and greatly appreciate people who pray regularly for us in their personal prayer time and in prayer meetings and appropriate occasions among the people of God. Please be encouraged to think much of this aspect of supporting Amano.
Secondly, teaching consumes a great deal of resources in terms of equipment, buildings and people, so we are also very grateful to the Lord for those who give in other ways. The Amano staff consists of expatriates and Zambians who are willingly giving time to serving the Lord very practically but we understand that not everyone is called to do that. Some are called to give gifts of money to the work and it is their faithfulness in knowing the leading of the Lord and responding to it that allows so much of the practical work to be done. Many are giving from very limited resources and we value and appreciate that sacrifice. What a wonderful thing it is that our Lord rewards faithfulness without regard to measure! The gospel story of the widow's mite will have been found to have been repeated many times over when the books of heaven are opened.
Our first picture shows 'Hydraform' blocks lined up waiting for use in the construction of the new kitchen, dining hall and general purpose hall located opposite the school admin block. Over 42,000 blocks have been manufactured on the Amano site to build this and the new sixth form block. As can be seen construction of the walls of the new building has begun. This is a much-needed project in many ways - the present kitchen and dining area are certainly inadequate and the hall in use at the school now (manufactured from shipping containers like the classrooms) is too small. Everyone is looking forward to the completion next year.
Also 'building for the future' is Prudence Mambwe, employed in the office at the school under Shany Grimes, our accountant. Prudence as we have generally seen her is shown above, then standing by her husband David at their wedding on Saturday 7th November. Prudence (now Mrs Muchimba) and David (who is a teacher elsewhere) are both committed Christians and a number of Amano staff celebrated with them on their special day. May the Lord build their future for his glory.
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