School started on Tuesday 8th September after the August holiday, with two new students joining the roll and extensive staff changes. Our group photo shows (left to right) Tamara and Rahel (both in the dormitory), Mattheus (working for Markus Breuninger on the site), Jonathan and Philip (dormitory) and at the front Lisa Frick. Lisa is the replacement primary teacher for Kaye Thomas who is on furlough in the USA, returning to Amano in January.
Wendy Kerr from Co. Tyrone, Ulster, is on a short visit of just three weeks, helping in the dormitory and the school.
The building is the new sixth form block, seen next to the secondary block, being built from Hydraform blocks produced on the Amano site. At the time of writing the corrugated sheets for the roof have already been fitted and the interior finishing will begin soon. This new building is a taste of things to come: all the class rooms to date have been built from converted shipping containers. Hydraform blocks are also being produced for the new kitchen/dining room/multi-purpose hall.
Finally the first Amano Family Service of the new term took place on 13th September. Our photo shows students in the choir and Andrew Kirk preaching on the Ten Commandments.
We particularly ask your prayers for Amano at this time. There has been quite a lot of sickness among staff recently and in addition the global economic crisis coupled with rapidly increasing prices in Zambia has an inevitable effect on the school. Our God is well able to deal with all these things - please join us in prayer for his name to be glorified at Amano this term.
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