Term ended at Amano on Wednesday 10th December. There was the usual 'Christmas count-down' with various activities in the dormitory and in school, but the undoubted highlight was the planning, preparations and rehearsals for the Christmas concerts which were held on the final day.
Anyone who doubted the hard work that was going into the concerts would have had their doubts removed when the final results were seen. The school hall was packed to standing room only for both the Primary and Secondary performances. A special delight was the large number of parents and friends who came - no small thing when the Primary concert began at 9.00am on what for most Zambians was a normal working day.
The Primary theme was 'international' and took the audience round the world, visiting the USA, India and various other places as well as Hawaii and Zambia shown in our photographs. Each 'nation,' appropriately dressed and with typical music and dancing contributed something to the biblical Christmas story. The Primary teachers (Deborah Cole, Kaye Thomas and Kelly Zimpfer) had worked hard in co-operation with Gwen Amborski (music) and the result was a delightful and flawless performance form the children who obviously enjoyed themselves.
The Head teacher, Hilary Millard, presented prizes to children who had worked especially hard during the year and also made presentations to Jason & Kelly Zimpfer (who are leaving Amano to return to the USA) and Renate Koegel (who has been at Amano for a few weeks but now returns to her usual mission station elsewhere in Zambia).
Secondary students also worked hard on their concert which included excellent music and an amusing presentation of the Christmas story using a 'TV show' and various other elements including the best and funniest presentation of the wise men of Matthew 2 this writer has ever seen! Again a perfect performance was accompanied by wonderful music (Gwen Amborski along with various students).
Hilary Millard again made the prize presentation to those who had done exceptionally well. A special presentation was of certificates gained in music, specifically flute playing, by three students under the tuition provided by Jo Grove. Jo is seen with two of the her students providing accompaniment during the concert.
You would be right in expecting a Christmas concert at a Christian School to be different. Both Primary and Secondary concerts included a very clear and direct presentation of the gospel - not the 'watered-down' version so beloved of many schools in the UK and elsewhere! The audience were told very clearly that trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, the baby whose birth is celebrated at Christmas and who was both truly man and truly God and who died on the cross for sinners, is essential. The Secondary presentation in particular was pointed. Even the title of their concert (The Choice is Yours) left no doubt about what was being said.
It is a real privilege to be working in a country like Zambia where there is still the freedom to present the truth and that privilege is doubled when the students at Amano make it clear that for so many of them the message of the gospel is both understood and loved.
Maybe it would be worth spending a few moments this Christmas considering whether you could be part of what the Lord is doing here in Zambia? You can join us as a prayer partner, you can commit to financial support as a one time gift or longer term as a sponsor, or you could come to Amano and be part of one of the most exciting projects in mission today. Please visit our website at www.amanochristianschool.org
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