This past week has been a 'star' week in two ways. First of all, Wednesday evening witnessed an unusual astronomical event. Rod Boatman kindly sent text messages to a few of us that that evening would see the moon positioned between two planets. The event was scheduled to be clearly visible here in the southern hemisphere, but rainy season is not the most reliable time for astronomy!
As the Lord would have it, we had a good sighting just before a downpour: the photo shows the moon with Venus on the left and Jupiter on the right. As the Scripture says, 'the heavens declare the glory of God.'
Later in the week different stars in an altogether sadder event, at least for staff and students at Amano. It is no exaggeration to say that Jason and Kelly Zimpfer have been 'stars' at Amano during their time here. It's no small thing to achieve that status on a 16 month short-term placement, but Kelly's quiet but effective teaching and Jason's excellent work in a number of departments have been a real blessing to everyone. Jason and Kelly were dorm parents for a while and were popular and appreciated in that position. When that time ended Kelly was able to devote herself to her real love, teaching primary children, and Jason continued to do some teaching while at the same time doing sterling work in his specialised area as a construction engineer and being involved in building design and drawing for Markus Breuninger, the Project Manager.
On Friday 5th December a farewell 'dessert party' was held after lunch in the Breuninger's garden. Board chairman Phil Grove spoke on behalf of the Board of the appreciation everyone feels for Jason and Kelly's work; Markus spoke very warmly of Jason's contribution in his department and of the regard that he and everyone else, including the Zambian workers, had for Jason; Head teacher Hilary Millard spoke of her regard for their work in the school. In his speech Phil Grove said that young people of the Zimpfer's quality willing to put in time on the mission field were sadly rare these days. As you read this, is it possible that the Lord is calling YOU to Amano to serve in some capacity or another? You may be as young as the Zimpfer's or older, but shouldn't you be seeking the Lord as to whether your abilities (which he has given you!) can be used in his service in Africa?
Jason and Kelly will be sadly missed and remembered very fondly as they return to the United States in the coming week.
Our pictures show Zambian staff Mrs Mwambu, Lukundo Siwale (both teachers) and Prudence Mambwe (accounts) enjoying the sun at the farewell, Jason and Kelly and the unknowing beauty of the afternoon, Laura Grove (daughter of Steve and Jo, teachers, and granddaughter of Phil and Valerie).
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