We have just had a rather exciting weekend here at Amano, combining two crucial aspects of extra-curricular life: sport and science. Friday was the annual ISAZ Copperbelt Cross Country tournament, held here at the school. Last year we also hosted the event, but this was the first time for it to be open to both Primary and Secondary runners. With teams here from Ndola Trust, Lechwe [in Kitwe], and Simba [in Ndola], we had plenty of talented young athletes running around campus [pun intended!]. And when all was said and done, we couldn’t have been more pleased with our Amano team: not only did all our runners finish well, but we actually swept the competition, with our Secondary men and women, and our Primary girls, all getting first place! And they deserved that placement for sure, braving the woods of our property, traversing rivers, and arriving at the finish line mud-splattered and sweat-soaked. I can attest to this, as the number-remover for the runners, being the proud recipient of many sweaty, muddy hugs.
As for the science: On Saturday morning Mr. Andresen took a group of our Science Club students to the annual Secondary Science Fair at Lechwe school. This event allows the students to showcase their trivia skills in a science quiz, as well as to explore scientific possibilities with other schools. Our students are this year focusing on the intricacies of aircraft wing shape, insofar as what shapes allow for the best aerodynamics. No doubt some of our students will carry on to become fine and accomplished scientists and engineers!
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