First of all, apologies for the unavoidable delay in making the update to this blog. There is some consolation for regular readers in that this is a packed update recounting the highlights of the last week of term before Easter.
Amano's first term of 2009 ended on Friday 3rd April, but not before some special events had taken place. The first was on Monday 30th March when Whole School Assembly was moved from its usual 0730 slot to 0930, allowing Physics and Math teacher Rod Boatman to bring in wife Marja and daughter Jenny to join son Dennis (student in Grade 11) and family friend Daniel Vedder (student in Grade 9) to perform with the puppets Marja makes. The two 'performances' - one intended for Primary and the other for Secondary - were skilfully presented and much enjoyed by the school and staff. The clear gospel message was reinforced by Rod who also lead singing using his accordion. Our pictures show the puppets in action and also Rod. Mischievous suggestions that readers might not be able to tell the difference are not welcome!
The last week of term always has various things going on that dislocate the normal routine. There were various rehearsals announced, separately for Primary and Secondary drama and also for choir, and then dress rehearsals. There was much hard work being done and all of this saw the light of day on the very last day of term when Assembly was again 'delayed,' this time to 1145, allowing parents and friends of the school to be present and making a final end to the term. The Assembly theme was Easter and first Primary students presented a drama called 'Would you believe it?' in which the 'crowd' portrayed their reactions to the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Secondary students then presented 'The Missing Piece,' a drama focussing on the disciples learning of the resurrection including the events on the road to Emmaus. All of this was accompanied by music directed by Gwen Amborski which was beautifully sung by the choir. Amano Chairman Phil Grove closed in prayer, leaving only parent-teacher interviews for some Secondary students after lunch to complete the term.
Amano inevitably has 'comings and goings' to deal with and the end of term means mostly goings. So with some sadness we said goodbye to Lyndsey Coleman from Merseyside who came temporarily in January and served faithfully as teacher to Grade 1. Lyndsey was much loved and appreciated by both students and staff. We wish her well as she completes her teacher training in the UK.
When Lyndsey came, Martin Smith from Leighton Buzzard was on the same flight, coming initially for the same period. Martin, seen above, taught Grades 6 and 7 and showed his other skills in guitar at various events, training the Primary football team and being responsible for the drama club. He was very involved with the Easter assembly and has won a real place in the heart of Amano with his relaxed but determined manner. By God's grace we said goodbye to Martin on the last day of term but only for a short while. Martin will return to Amano in time for next term, having identified the Lord's call on his life to serve for a longer period. We praise the Lord for that! Martin is pictured above.
Last but not least, Christa Hamel from Germany has served faithfully and quietly in the dormitory for more than a year. Christa serves with Liebenzell Mission and originally was scheduled to leave Amano at the end of 2008 but kindly agreed to extend until the beginning of April. She won a place in all the boarders affections, particularly the girls with whom most of her work was done. There was a student farewell for Christa on 2nd April. Staff gathered on Friday afternoon to share cake and drinks and hear Phil Grove speak highly of her as a godly lady who will be in our hearts for a long time. Christa returns to her family and friends in Germany; she is pictured here with Matron, Mrs Simfukwe, who will surely miss her next term.
We praise the Lord for another term in Amano's life and development completed. Please pray with us that we will know the Lord's guidance and blessing as the new term begins early May. We need that above all, remembering that Amano was called into being by his grace and exists for his glory.
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