. . . . makes Jack a dull boy, as the proverb goes. Amano is very serious about its mission as a Christian School and there is always a determined effort to attain the best academic standard we can, but what would life be without sport and some time for fun?
Over the last two weekends teams from Amano have travelled to Kalulushi and Chengelo to play against other teams at volleyball, football, netball and basketball. At Kalulushi Amano boys won at volleyball and the girls thrashed the opposition with a stunning victory. At Chengelo there was less to celebrate but the girls won at volleyball and the boys at football. The matches were friendly and provided a change from the normal Amano routine. Our pictures show the boys volleyball at Kalulushi, basketball (with some post-processing!) and rugby at Chengelo.
This week ended with a 'time warp' in the Amano calendar, because next week a team will travel to Chengelo again, this time for the serious business of the Independent Schools of Zambia playoffs. Because of the distance and the number going it will be necessary for the students to leave on Friday and return early evening Saturday, ruling out any possibility of Valentine celebrations.
Two sixth form students, Jedidah and Gabi, organised a Valentine event for Primary students that took place on Friday afternoon 6th February. The 'Sir Knight and Miss Valentine' event saw some young ladies from Primary dressed first in Valentine clothes and then formally, in between performing songs etc to demonstrate their talents. The young men were dressed as knights and then more formally and were a little more reticent for the most part in the talent department!
A panel of judges wrestled with the difficulties of declaring the winners. In the end Natasha was crowned Miss Valentine and brave Sir Shadrach was the winning knight.
Our pictures from the Valentine event show the charming entrants for Miss Valentine, the judges in deep discussion, the knights, Shadrach being knighted by Mel Robson and the lovely Natasha crowned and sashed next to a decorated Shadrach.
The judges were (from left to right) Valerie Grove, former dorm parents Lil and Mel Robson (back on a visit to old haunts) and Ulfert Andresen.
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