This last week marked the return to school for the staff and pupils at Amano, with a staff meeting on Monday and boarders returning in the afternoon and then the start of school proper on Tuesday. The reaction of students was certainly mixed; some had had a thoroughly enjoyable break and would have appreciated more, some were willing to admit that four weeks had been a long time and that returning to Amano was a welcome event.
We have much to thank the Lord for as term begins. All the staff and students returned safely, the plans and preparations for the new term have been seen to be well done and no great disasters have marred the work. It is easy when things follow the routine to forget that they only do so because of the Lord's guiding and protecting hand. He alone is our strength and stay at Amano when times are good and when they are not so good.
Special cause for rejoicing was the arrival of Andrew and Amanda Kirk from Suffolk, England who have joined the staff of the school. Amanda teaches Grade 1 and Andrew joins the Secondary staff as form teacher for Grade 9 and teaching Maths and other subjects to Grades 8, 9 and 10. The family have come to Amano for as long as the Lord calls them to be here, for which we praise his gracious name.
Our picture shows Andrew and Amanda with their children, Samuel and Joshua, who joined the student body, Joseph in Grade 1 and Samuel in Grade 3 under the tuition of Deborah Cole. The second picture shows Hope Chitonge who also joined the school at the start of this term as a student in Grade 10. Hope is an orphan and as such should have a place in the dormitory, but sadly that is not possible at the moment. She is boarding with a family in Chingola and comes in with the day students on the school bus. This highlights the great need for prayer at Amano at the present time, the provision of dormitory parents. Hope cannot be in the dormitory because it is full and in fact two other girls are also awaiting a dormitory place. In terms of buildings at Amano we have the provision to house more boarders as the new boys dorm is effectively complete and when occupied would allow the present dorm to accommodate more girls.
Almost every day, even during the holidays, we have parents coming to school or telephoning, asking if we can accept their children at Amano. We want to take them because it is our great aim to influence as many families as possible by giving their children the firm foundation of a biblically based Christian education, but the dormitory situation means we have to turn them away. Please pray with us for the provision of at least one and preferably two couples called to the work of dormitory parenting. It really is our most urgent need at this time. And don't just pray! Might you be someone the Lord is calling? Or do you know a couple who are seeking the Lord's will about serving overseas and to whom you could introduce this need? Your prayers, your help and your interest are really needed now.